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the perfect sales page solution
the easiest sales page setup
You can spend 50 hours learning a website building tool or you can have yours up and running in 10 minutes with TitanPage
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Showcase and sell your knowledge, your experience and your services
14€ first month
29€ /month after
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Get to the next level of client conversion
24€ first month
49€ /month after
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the details about sales page advantages
The main difference between a landing page and a sales page is their purpose. Landing pages are designed to present a business. Sales pages, on the other hand, are created to encourage visitors to purchase a specific product or service.
Sales pages include information about the product or service, such as detailed descriptions, use cases and testimonials. A sales page is designed to convert visitors into clients.
Generally you would either need experience in Interface design and User experience design to craft a page that converts, or you can hire a professional team.
TitanPage is an accessible solution where you do not require any knowledge in development or webdesign to create, fill in and host a sales page. Page builders take your time, TitanPage provides tangible results.
A sales page can be used to encourage visitors to purchase a product or service, download content, subscribe to a mailing list, sign up for a webinar, etc. It allows you to better understand and target your audience, and to convert more visitors into qualified leads.
The first step in building a sales page is to define the purpose and goal of the page. This involves determining the type of target audience and deciding which information and features will be included on the page.
The sales page is designed to capture visitor information and encourage them to take an action. It is specifically created for an advertisement or marketing campaign and is the entry point for a website’s destination page. Its role is to convert visitors into customers by encouraging them to take the desired action, usually a purchase or a sign-up.
The sales page is an integral part of the sales funnel and is an important step in the conversion process. It also plays a key role in prospect segmentation and can be used to display specific messages to different customer groups.
Important elements to include in a sales page